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TXF's Perfect 10 Awards are the industry gold-standard for excellence. Every year, we recognise just 10 outstanding transactions in each of the export finance and commodity finance industries. To win an award is an outstanding accolade and one which champions are rightly proud of.
Thank you for submitting and nominating your winning deals of 2024! Voting for TXF’s 2024 Awards is now closed. Stay tuned for the formal announcement of our winners soon!
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The submission form includes the information that TXF requires to be able to assess a transaction's eligibility, outstanding features, and to allow the market to vote on its merits.
Deals may already be present on our online data platform. Please click here to see if you deal already exists. If so, please check our entry for accuracy, and suggest any changes or additional roles on the deal, as well as let us know why that deal is exceptional, innovative, or influential.
Eligible transactions will be any export financing (i.e. any financing with export credit agency involvement) or any commodities financing that has closed during 2024. The categories are not fixed, and will reflect levels of market activity, but you are welcome to suggest categories based on past awards winners. To qualify a transaction must have closed (i.e. signed, met its conditions precedent and be ready to fund) within 2024.
The deadline for submissions is 13 December 2024. If your deal is likely to close towards the end of 2024, TXF strongly recommends that you submit details of the transaction under embargo so that they can be reviewed for eligibility. Any embargo would be lifted at signing. Alternatively you may request an extension to gather relevant information, but at the same time as requesting please provide the deal sector and region so that any relevant category can be left open. An extension may not be automatically granted.
There may be instances when you are unable to provide all of the required information, say because you or your client are unable or unwilling to disclose certain details. In general, the more detail we receive, the easier it is to decide on the merits of the transaction, and ideally we should see any evidence you have for an assertion you make in your rationale for submission. At a minimum we would need to know the overall size of the transaction, the debt size and the names of all firms that worked on the deal .
Download Submission Form