FEX meets Euler Hermes legal
Last month in the third event in the series of 'FEX meets', the German chapter of the Future of Export Finance (FEX) sat down with Euler Hermes' legal and compliance team to discuss innovations in the German ECA's cover policy and product developments.

On September 17 2019 the German Chapter of Future of Export Finance (FEX) came together in Hamburg to meet the legal and compliance team of Euler Hermes - the third event in the series of “FEX meets…”.
20 FEX members from 13 banks met with eight members of the Euler Hermes legal and compliance department to discuss current topics in export finance focusing on innovations in Euler Hermes' cover policy and product developments, as well as ECA related loan documentation topics and the European regulatory framework for ECA-covered business.
After a long day of insights in the latest developments in Euler Hermes cover products, as well as discussions on current challenges banks are facing in export finance transactions, the conference was concluded with a casual evening get-together in the iconic Euler Hermes tower in Hamburg. Starting from the windy rooftop on the 23 floor where an excellent view over Hamburg could be enjoyed all participants then gathered underground in the cellar for food, drinks and games at Euler Hermes’ very own bowling alley.
Since this second event of FEX meets Euler Hermes was again very fruitful for all parties, there will definitely be future events enabling an exchange between export finance professionals from banks and Euler Hermes.
About FEX
FEX is a network of young finance professionals working in export finance across the globe. There are chapters in Frankfurt, London, Hong Kong and Singapore and we aim to open them in five more locations in 2019. If you are interested in setting up a chapter under the FEX umbrella please get in touch with dominik.kloiber@txfmedia.com