Atradius backs Cote d'Ivoire clean water access project
Deutsche Bank has arranged an ECA-backed €144 million (about $155 million) financing facility to support Cote d'Ivoire's...
Jakarta, Indonesia – 6th March 2018
1pm to 4pm, arrive 1pm for 1.30pm start
Our Asian Roadshow will begin with a half-day event in Jakarta, focussing on Infrastructure and project finance. Topics will include financial stability and political transparency, encouraging investment and exporters' trust, possible financing gaps in the region, why they exist and how they can be filled. Combining presentations and open roundtable discussions between all participants it's a chance to troubleshoot the current status of the market.
This session will be hosted by Indonesia Infrastructure Finance.
Address: The Energy Building
30th Floor (Indonesia Infrastructure Finance)
Sudirman Central Business District
Lot. 11A
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia
Attendees Include:
Teguh Widhi Harsono, Senior Mangager, Fund Raising, PT PLN (Persero)
Annas Kurniawan, PT PLN (Persero)
Cita Dewi, Business Development, Indonesia Power
Herman Nugroho, President Director, PT. Putra Indotenaga (PIT)
Andrew Kinloch, Managing Director, Logie Group
Higuchi Makoto Supervisor, Power Project Department, Toyota Tsusho
Pavina Adunratanasee, Project and export finance advisor, Siemens
Thomas Pesnel, Area Business Development Manager, Asia Pacific, BAM Decorient Indonesia
Jason Humphreys, Partner, Allen & Overy
Ngurah Arditia, Project Manager, PT BAM Decorient Indonesia
Ben Lawson, Chief Operating Officer, Sanaman Coal
Widya Ananta Prabawa, Assistant Manager, Adaro Power
Richard Michael, Country Head – Indonesia, UK Export Finance
Ngoc Ha Tran, Head of Financial Advisory - Asia Pacific, Siemens
Pravaljit Sarkar, Director business development, Infraco Asia
Ely Saiful, National Program Officer, Embassy of Switzerland in Indonesia
Frédéric Draps, Foreign Legal Consultant, Ginting & Reksodiputro in association with Allen & Overy LLP
Victorio Ralie, Director, Deutsche Bank
Yusuf A. M. Sujono, Infrastructure Policy Adviser, Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Governance
Michael Georg Lutz, DZ Bank AG
Seoul, Korea – 12th March 2018
1pm to 3pm, arrive 1pm for 1.30pm start
The TXF Seoul roundtable focused on overseas investment opportunities for Korean companies. Traditional EPC-driven companies are faced with tough competition which is getting more and more intense. Many Korean companies are weighing investment in various infrastructure sectors as their new business model in overseas markets. Therefore the message of the event was to look at who are the newest players coming to the table in a changing economy.
SunChong Ahn, General Manager, Business Development Team, Hyundai Engineering Company
Byun Hun Jung, General Manager, Hyundai Engineering Company
Shinkyun Park, Manager, Hyundai Engineering Company
Senior Representative, KEXIM
Hungdai Kang, General Manager, Project Finance Team, GS Engineering & Construction Corp.
Sun Jung Lee, Head of Export & Agency Finance, Korea Global Transaction Banking
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Foreign Legal Consultant Office
Level 33, Three IFC
10 Gukjegeumyung-ro, Youngdeungpo-gu
Seoul, KR 07326
See location on Google maps here
Beijing, China – 18th April 2018
TXF China was a full day export and project finance conference. This event brought together the leaders of corporates, banks, advisories, vendors and service providers from across China to discuss the latest opportunities and trends, to meet new partners and network with like-minded peers.
We had plenary keynotes, followed by streams focussing on particular industries, export finance within China and also a stream for international market newcomers. Key topics included the BRI, financing growth in China, the internationalisation of the Renminbi, and foreign investment restrictions amongst many others.
The conference was conducted in both Mandarin and English with simultaneous translation.
Our roundtables will bring together an exclusive group of leading companies active in Indonesia, Japan and Korea across various venues. Followed by the TXF China conference in Bejing.
Joining us will be local corporates, ECAs, MFI/DFIs, advisory/legal professionals and local (regional) banks discussing topics guided by TXF, our hosts and sponsors.
We'll be updating the pages with specific addresses soon, so keep your eyes peeled for the latest news on each of the corrosponding pages.