TXF TV - Leaders in export finance: A look behind the data
6 October 2021, 14:00 BST. Register now for this exclusive TXF TV webinar, sponsored by Nedbank CIB, in which we take a look at the African ECA export finance market through a data lens.

Leaders in Export Finance: A look behind the data
6 October 2021, 14:00 BST
Register here: https://exporttv.txfmedia.com/Account/Register
Register now for this exclusive TXF TV broadcast, sponsored by Nedbank CIB, in which we take a look at the African ECA Export Finance market through a data lens. With expert industry analysis and the use of TXF’s proprietary market data, we’ll be discussing why the Nordic ECAs are leading the way when it comes to financing projects across Africa, which ECAs have the risk appetite for sub-Saharan African markets and what the push towards sustainability means for African export finance transactions. As a bonus, we’ll be sitting down with ECIC to discuss export finance opportunities within southern Africa.
Craig Weitz - Principal: Export Credit Finance – Nedbank CIB
Marie Aglert - Director of Business Area for Large Corporates - EKN
Portia Dube - Head Business Development - Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa (ECIC)
Sekete Mokgehle - Head, ECA Financing - Nedbank CIB
Siya Nxaba - Principal: Export Credit Finance - Nedbank CIB
Alfonso Olivas - Head of Data and Analytics - TXF
Jonathan Bell - Editor-in-chief – TXF