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14 September 2020

TXF TV: Czarnikow's CEO discusses the world's first sustainable sugar supply chain partnership

Agri/Soft Commodities
Commodities Content Manager
Webinar | 16.09.2020 | 14:00 UK | Amidst current concerns over the future of food security and supply chain resilience, global sugar trader Czarnikow recently announced that it has completed on the world’s first sustainable sugar supply chain partnership. TXF sits down with Czarnikow CEO, Robin Cave, to discuss the drivers behind the groundbreaking partnership and how it could provide a template towards a more sustainable commodity industry.

Date: Wednesday 16th September 2020

Time: 14:00 UK

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In August 2020 Czarnikow announced the signing of a groundbreaking sugar supply chain partnership. The first of its type, the partnership will cover the trade and shipment of 50,000 metric tonnes of sustainably sourced sugar, valued at almost US$ 16,000,000.

Join us this Wednesday as TXF sits down with Czarnikow CEO, Robin Cave, for an interview and live Q&A to discuss the drivers behind the partnership and how it could provide a template towards a more sustainable commodity industry.

  • How they found the right partners and how they integrated sustainability into every part of the supply chain from sourcing, to transportation, to financing, to refining.
  • How they’ve managed to achieve sustainability, transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain what measures they’ve put in place to police and prove this traceability.
  • What financial incentive does the facility offer to stakeholders, are there any sustainability linked KPIs and if so, how are these audited?
  • How have Czarnikow ensured the partnership is both sustainable and commercially viable and how it could it provide a template for similar deals going forward.
  • The importance of sustainability and traceability to achieve food security during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Is this just the start for Czarnikow and do they have plans for similar partnerships going forward?
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