Perfect 10: Export Finance Deals of the Year
This year's winners of the TXF Perfect 10 weren't only about size, although there were benchmark deals in terms of volume and sectors. They were more symptomatic of the...
This year's winners of the TXF Perfect 10 weren't only about size, although there were benchmark deals in terms of volume and sectors. They were more symptomatic of the...
Mark A Smith, executive chairman and CEO at NioCorp Developments, will use US (and UK and German) export credit agency support to dig for critical minerals in Nebraska....
TXF spoke with Orsted's Peter Highmore, senior vice president, head of partnerships and M&A and EIFO's Kurt Martin Larsen, managing director for transactions and global...
The solid performance of the export finance market in 2024 was mostly driven by the stronger focus on new technologies and the broadening ECA mandate. The news bodes well...
The public-private funding vehicle for US Exim loans - PEFCO - has completed a debut issue in Euros. And it is also - in the name of improved resilience - looking to add...
Overall commodity finance volumes grew marginally in 2024. But the most significant findings were product innovations, with digitalisation through collaboration,...
As Uzbekistan looks to meet growing gas demand while phasing out inefficient Soviet-era power facilities, a DFI/ECA-backed financing for the 1.6GW Surkhandarya CCGT...
The litany of lengthy environmental and social (E/S) due diligence processes in ECA deals pose significant problems for projects in Africa. Ram Shalita, CEO & Partner at...
The OECD has ended a Common Line that increased the maximum available cover on export finance deals to 95%. Critics say that ECAs are abandoning developing market...
Between 2020 and Q1 2024, 12 EV gigafactory project financings signed globally, according to Exile Intelligence. But amid ongoing financial woes, how much exposure do...
TXF have wrapped up the major trends in the export finance market in 2024. There's a few to keep an eye on next year too..
The latest Angolan Ministry of Finance ECA-backed loan to sign to fund the construction of an airport marks the country's ninth such sovereign deal this year, with Angola...
Every article should have a call to action in the 'standfirst'. It's particularly tough to do that on an obituary for a much loved friend and colleague. Thanks to all...
Cameroon recently signed an ECA-backed loan for a strategic national road project. The deal has provided a financial blueprint for SME exporters to get involved in future...
A few short weeks after UKEF announced its involvement in a number of domestic supplier credit deals, the ECA published an independent report on OECD-level reform for...
Europe’s gigafactory bubble is bursting with battery makers Northvolt and ACC halting schemes amid waning demand for EVs. With project sponsors reviewing business models...
TXF looks at the way different financial institutions are approaching the crossovers between export, project and development finance for sustainable economic development....
TXF spoke with Pui Yin Tham, VP for business development at Marubeni to discuss the hurdles in the project and ECA finance spaces amid electricity market liberalisation....
TXF spoke with Darren Chua, head of M&A and Commercial at PT Asian Bulk Logistics to find out why ECA support is less competitive for the firm on projects and what...
There was a clear mantra echoing through the conference plenary room at Exile Asia: Agency, Energy and Infrastructure Finance last week. Collaboration, collaboration,...
This year's winners of the TXF Perfect 10 weren't only about size, although there were benchmark deals in terms of volume and sectors. They were more symptomatic of the broadening ECA mandate and the focus on energy transition.