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24 January 2019
Infrastructure, Transport

Shop talk: VTB on Russia's $100bn infra push

Oleg Pankratov, head of infrastructure capital and project finance at VTB Capital, discusses Russia's private infrastructure funding plans with TXF. While attracting...

23 January 2019
Infrastructure, Transport

Locking in with the Panama Canal

The Panama Canal is one of the wonders of the world. Jonathan Bell charts its course.

22 January 2019
Oil & gas

How long can GCC tenors go?

State-owned borrowers in cash-strapped GCC countries – Oman and Bahrain – have been using ECA-backed debt to push out tenors to around 16-17 years. But can the private...

16 January 2019
Infrastructure, Transport

European transport finance: Funding next year's model

European governments and the private sector face an enormous transport challenge. In addition to demand for greenfield infrastructure, there is a backlog for investment...

15 January 2019

Moray East: The shape of UK deals to come

Despite a record low CfD strike price, the 950MW Moray East UK offshore wind project reached financial close in December backed by strong lender and ECA appetite. Does...

14 January 2019

Mexico’s AMLO: A bumpier ride but not a train wreck

Mexico’s had its ‘moments’ both positive and negative but has been seen as relatively stable for the past decade. Is that all going to change with the new president’s...

11 January 2019
Oil & gas

Petroperu's ECA flag day

Petroperu's $1.3 billion CESCE-backed facility had to navigate four changes of government in two countries to finally reach financial close last month. But the deal still...

10 January 2019

Red Oak: Switching cost of debt in US power

Morgan Stanley Infrastructure’s recent refinancing of the Red Oak power plant took the asset out of the bond market and into the bank market via a ‘hedge toggle’...

09 January 2019

Is the OECD Consensus still fit for purpose?

OECD exporters and ECAs often cite the need to modernise the OECD Consensus on export credits. The International Working Group on Export Credits (IWG) is making progress...

08 January 2019

Greece's high stakes renewables reforms

With a new renewable energy support scheme in place and a stabilising regulatory environment, the Greek renewables sector has begun attracting international lender and...

08 January 2019

Trade finance funds: Confidence dips on Shinhan retreat

Shinhan Capital’s recent redemptions and BAF Capital’s winding down of BLTFF have focused attention on inefficiencies in the trade finance fund market. The extent of the...

04 January 2019

Shop talk: VTB on evolving ‘Sino-Russia’ relations

Igor Ostreyko, managing director of trade and export finance at VTB, and Anna Ponomareva, head of ECA and agency finance at VTB, discuss product innovations in a...

03 January 2019

EV Charging Infrastructure: Balancing the funding equation

Electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure is potentially the next big core market for project lenders and investors. But like mobile telecoms and broadband before it,...

21 December 2018

Gulf Sriracha IPP: Long tenor, tight pricing and Thai debt

Sponsors of the $1.54 billion gas-fired Gulf Sriracha IPP project in Thailand – Gulf Energy Development and Mitsui – have closed a tightly priced DFI/ECA-backed financing...

20 December 2018

Is the new US development finance agency taking a knife to a gunfight?

The IDFC — which could eventually incorporate US Exim — will see the US try to take on the Chinese development banks at their own game. TXF asks how that will play out...

19 December 2018
Infrastructure, Power, Renewables, Waste and water

Winds of change filter in

The recent UN climate change conference COP24 gave us all a stark reality check on where we are in terms of trying to do something to save this planet. It’s a massive...

19 December 2018
Power, Renewables

Liquid, not hot, air: Long-term debt for long-term storage

UK-based developer Highview Power thinks that renewables’ increased share of generation will make its liquid air storage technology increasingly attractive. But long-term...

18 December 2018
Power, Renewables, Waste and water

Shop talk: GE China, spreading the ECA umbrella

TXF spoke with Charles Xu, managing director of commercial finance & capital markets at GE China, to discuss the benefits of directly sourcing Chinese financings in a...

17 December 2018

Pedro Novo promoted as Bpifrance continues its march

TXF speaks to Pedro Novo about his promotion to Bpifrance's new Executive Department for Export and how this will encourage local entrepreneurship.

17 December 2018

Risky Business: MENA and GCC foreign policy risks rise in unusual places

TXF and Coriolis Technologies’ country risk index investigates the trends in trade weaponization in MENA and GCC. MENA and GCC foreign policy risks rise outside the usual...