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19 December 2019

Can the US-China trade truce progress beyond phase one?

The tentative US-China phase one trade agreement last week brought cheer to the markets. But, asks Jonathan Bell, with so few firm details will this become a real deal...

17 December 2019
Power, Renewables

Shop talk: PLN pulls plug on project debt – for now

Indonesia’s state-owned power utility PLN has yet to close a single power project financing in 2019 amid a year of economic slowdown and elections. However, Teguh...

16 December 2019

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king: The opaque world of international trade

Baldev Bhinder, managing director of Singapore-based law firm Blackstone & Gold, explores how the opaque nature of paper-based trade finance can leave the door wide-open...

13 December 2019

Sullivan: Fintech in trade - the good, the bad and the impossible

Amid the coffee and croissants at Sullivan's latest trade finance breakfast seminar, partner Geoffrey Wynne discusses where trade fintech currently sits and where it is...

12 December 2019

Mercuria's Asian RCF: A close (margin) shave

Mercuria’s annual $1.2 billion Asian RCF closed last month. While the downsized deal and significant margin savings suggest the trader has a strong financial position, a...

12 December 2019

Shop Talk: US Exim on the road to full reauthorisation

At TXF's PRI conference in London last week, TXF spoke to Stephen Renna, chief banking officer of US Exim to find out if christmas is coming early for the US ECA, as...

11 December 2019
Oil & gas

The ebb and flow of North Sea upstream finance

The renaissance in North Sea oil field M&As is being driven by new flows of capital and RBL lenders backing mid-cap oil companies acquiring assets from majors’ divesting...

10 December 2019

Shop talk: Basel IV tests alternative funds in commodity finance

With banks having to implement the finalised version of Basel III (commonly called Basel IV) by 1 January 2022, regulatory requirements are becoming ever complex. TXF...

09 December 2019

Perfect 10 Deals of the Year 2019: Voting now open

TXF has opened voting for its Perfect 10 Deal of the Year Awards 2019. Please cast your vote on to have your say on this year’s most landmark export and...

04 December 2019

Drawing better straws? Pricing sustainability into supply chains

Correctly pricing sustainability into corporate supply chains shouldn’t just be a matter of ticking boxes (or drawing straws). Companies are going to have to use their...

03 December 2019

Shop talk: VTB on trade flows and growth in China

On the sidelines of VTB’s RUSSIA CALLING! event in Moscow last month, Igor Ostreyko, managing director of trade and export finance at VTB and Anna Ponomareva, head of ECA...

02 December 2019
Oil & gas

LNG: Cross-dressing commodity traders and portfolio players

Commodity traders have always been customers to portfolio players in the LNG space. However, as traders up the signing of long-term offtake contracts, portfolio players...

29 November 2019

CPRI market in the process of maturing: TXF talks to Matthew Beckett

Appetite and capacity for credit and political risk insurance (CPRI) has been growing in the past 10 years but may be plateauing as the market matures. Matthew Beckett,...

28 November 2019

Keynotes: In depth with Langlois on the evolution of trade distribution

Nicolas Langlois, Standard Chartered’s global head of trade distribution talks to Katharine Morton about the bank’s recent $1 billion risk-sharing with the IFC to boost...

27 November 2019

TXF Asia 2019 Export, Agency & Project Finance – Top 10 takeaways

TXF Asia took place in Singapore earlier this month to discuss the growth of ECA and agency financing in the APAC region. Jonathan Bell, editor-in-chief and director at...

25 November 2019

Credendo steps up carbon footprint reduction

Credendo is upping its carbon reduction efforts - both in its ECA offerings and its everyday operations. The ambition is zero carbon according to Credendo CEO Dirk...

25 November 2019

Expert briefing: Shielding supply chains

Amid growing scrutiny on working capital optimisation and sustainability of corporates’ supply chains, payables finance is more popular than ever. Christian Hausherr,...

20 November 2019

SCF: You say tomato, I say tomato, let’s call the whole thing off?

Is it time for supply chain finance to be rebranded? Looking 10 years out is a good way of focusing the mind. Even though there’s a big industry around SCF, will we still...

20 November 2019

TXF Geneva: Qbera Capital on thinking outside the box

At the sidelines of TXF Geneva, TXF sat down with Amitji Odedra from Qbera Capital to discuss corporate appetite for diversification in funding, how the trade finance gap...

19 November 2019
Oil & gas

JTB: Gas finance with a twist

Pertamina EP Cepu's recent Jambaran-Tiung Biru project financing was a first on many levels for Indonesian oil and gas, setting benchmarks for multi-sourcing debt and...