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30 June 2016

Sanjeev Gupta – UK steel’s knight in shining armour?

Ollie Gordon talks to Sanjeev Gupta, the founder and executive chairman of Liberty House Group, about the commodity firm’s much-publicised takeover bid for Tata’s UK...

30 June 2016

Hornsdale's $173.5m project financing propels Australia towards renewables target

Australia's Hornsdale Wind Farm secured financing with a club loan of A$173.5 million from KfW IPEX-Bank and Société Générale for the project’s second stage of...

29 June 2016

South Africa’s downgrade to junk ‘almost inevitable’

Africa’s second largest and most sophisticated economy risks a heavy blow to its ability to attract financing if, as experts widely predict, its credit rating is...

27 June 2016

The impact of Brexit on Africa

Following the UK’s surprise vote to leave the EU, EXX Africa's Robert Besseling assesses the probable impact such a departure would have on African trade, investment, and...

22 June 2016

How would Brexit affect UK trade?

As millions of UK citizens queued up at polling stations the length and breadth of the country, Ollie Gordon talked to trade economists, business associations, and...

17 June 2016

Trading more than insults: how would Brexit impact trade finance?

All the British EU referendum seems to have been good for so far is trading insults - as emotions run high in the last few days before the historic 23 June vote, and...

14 June 2016

10 key export finance trends in 2016

As presented at TXF Rome last week, here are the 10 trends we are seeing in export finance in 2016. These were derived from three separate, bespoke research initiatives...

14 June 2016

Mercuria closes $2.2bn RCF, but takes less than last year

Mercuria Energy Trading has closed its $2.2 billion multi-currency revolving credit facilities. In a sign of the times of banks’ appetite for strong commodity trading...

14 June 2016

Industry superheroes rewarded at TXF Amsterdam and Rome

The industry had its say about the best institutions and players in commodity and export & agency finance for our annual Best in Class awards. The winners in each...

13 June 2016

India’s Reliance on ECAs

During TXF’s Export, Agency and Project Finance conference in Rome last week, Max Thompson caught up with senior vice president of Reliance Industries Vineyesh Sawhney to...

08 June 2016

Japanese megabanks swing behind controversial $3.42bn Batang power plant

After four years of delay, the $4 billion Batang power project has been given the green light from Japanese financiers. But the environmental and social cost of...

02 June 2016

Egypt signs consortium financing for new wind farm

Egypt has partnered with GDF Suez, Toyota and Orascom to build a 250 MW wind farm, the project is part of a government push to hit 4.3 giga watt (GW) of wind and solar...

31 May 2016

Kexim and KDB undercapitalised as Korean shipyards head for the rocks

Facing a liquidity drought, the state-owned lenders to Korea’s embattled shipyards are in need of recapitalisation if they are to support restructuring in the industry....

30 May 2016

SACE boosts trade ties with Argentina announcing €700m in guarantees

Italian ECA SACE reopened its support of transactions with Argentina after the Italian undersecretary for development Ivan Scalfarotto last week announced guarantees for...

30 May 2016
Metals and Mining

First Quantum signs new $1.8bn loan with improved financial covenants

Mining company First Quantum Minerals has completed a new $1.8 billion term loan and revolving credit facility with its core relationship banks that gives it revised...

25 May 2016
Infrastructure, Transport

Azerbaijan Railways closes two-year Silk Road deal for 50 freight trains

The $314 million deal is part of a strategy to get a slice of Eurasian trade along the new Silk Road as the country tries to wean itself off a dependence on shrinking oil...

24 May 2016

Jokowi shows he means business in Indonesian Power

The size of the target – 15, 35 or 43 gigawatts (GW) – is open to dispute, but there is less argument about whether the Indonesian government is serious about its plans...

24 May 2016

Commodity financiers find positives in turbulent market

In the week following the roaring success of TXF’s Commodity Finance Conference in Amsterdam, we look at the results of our delegate survey.

18 May 2016

NEXI doubles up with UK private insurer to provide export reinsurance

The Japanese ECA is expanding its cover in the UK with the Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company, its latest partnership with private sector insurers in Europe.

17 May 2016

Petroleum Development Oman seeks $3bn PXF

Petroleum Development Oman, who traditionally rely on state funding, has turned to commercial banks for finance in the wake of lower oil prices, as the oil company seeks...