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01 May 2014

Economic overview

"It’s different this time.” A simple phrase, but a potent one. Its reappearances all feel novel, and more’s the pity

01 May 2014

Global risk overview

Having turned their attention further towards developing economies to compensate for a lack of demand from traditional western markets following the global financial...

01 May 2014

Short-term export credit capacity

Capacity in short-term credit insurance has been steadily returning since the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) and premiums have recovered. According to Berne Union’s...

01 May 2014

Medium- and long-term export credit capacity

When I was appointed chairman of the medium and long-term (MLT) committee at the annual general meeting last October, the total volumes for insurance of long-term export...

01 May 2014

Easing the regulatory challenges

Export credit is a tool which has been used for decades to support exports in a world where the main driver of economic growth has been international trade. The need for...

01 May 2014

Standardisation across export finance

Export-oriented economies benefit from new jobs, more innovation, reduced welfare costs and economic stability. Creating growth through trade is an elemental part of the...

01 May 2014

Export finance and capital markets

An arguably common theme in medium- and long-term (MLT) export finance circles today is that full implementation of Basel III will elicit the end of commercial banks as...

01 May 2014

Collaboration between ECAs and development banks

Export credit agencies (ECAs) and development finance institutions (DFIs) have very different purposes, mandates and in the case of multilateral institutions, ownership...

01 May 2014

Using ECAs to secure energy supplies

When I first worked for Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (Nexi) during 2003 to 2006, seconded from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan as the head...

01 May 2014

The role of export credit in project financing

Although the operations of Berne Union members are diversified across various products, geographies, governance models, and regulatory systems, the growing role of ECAs...

01 May 2014

Political risk in the mining sector

Oruro, Bolivia sits on the High Andean Plain 180 km south-east of La Paz. As the sun rose over this bucolic community of miners on 9 February, 2007, soldiers of the...

01 May 2014

Sustainable export finance

Think back some 30 years ago: what were the main concerns of an exporter participating in a large dam project requiring significant resettlement actions and with...

01 May 2014

ECAs and the renewables industry

The world’s ECAs have been and remain a vital element when piecing together funding for renewable energy. Denmark's export credit agency, EKF, is an active partner with a...

01 May 2014

Providing support for SMEs

An increasing amount of attention has been focused on SMEs in recent years, as their role in supporting national economies has been emphasised. How have Berne Union...

01 May 2014

The resurgence of shipping

With six of the world’s top 10 shipyards located in the country, Korea stands at the forefront of the global shipbuilding market. In 2013 alone, Korea won 16.58 million...

01 May 2014

Satellite finance and ECAs

Coface’s support in the space sector experienced dramatic growth in 2008 – linked to the financial crisis – and since then there has been a steady stream of business....

01 May 2014

ICIEC at 20

The Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC), the insurance arm of the AAA rated Islamic Development Bank Group (IDB) based in...

01 May 2014

Export credit insurance in the Middle East

Within the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region, it was only on the back of the international financial crisis in 2008 that a strong awareness was created for trade...

01 May 2014

On the ground activity in Africa

Africa 80 years ago was a much different place. In fact, when the Berne Union was launched, Africa was largely under colonial rule. A few decades later, with independence...

01 May 2014

The benefits of providing export credit insurance for banks

The role of international trade and its impact on the global economy has been revisited anew since the global economic crisis. This article examines the impact of...