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20 November 2018
Agri/Soft Commodities, Infrastructure, Manufacturing & equipment, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water

Top takeaways from TXF Asia 2018

From China’s open-ended Belt Road Initiative (BRI) to Asia’s $1.7 trillion infrastructure need per year by 2023, commercial and local banks, ECA/DFIs and institutional...

20 November 2018

International Financial Sanctions: How is the landscape changing?

International businesses are facing a more challenging and perilous sanctions environment. Brett Hillis and Leigh Hansson, partners at Reed Smith, discuss key sanctions...

15 November 2018

Asian offshore wind: Same assets – different facets

North Asian offshore wind development is accelerating and capacity is expected to reach 43GW by 2027. Government support in leading markets like Taiwan and Japan is...

15 November 2018

Taking the path less travelled on trade digitisation

There are many approaches to trade digitisation, but DBS Bank is taking a different path to many of its peers. It’s early days, but Abdul Raof Latiff thinks that the road...

14 November 2018
Agri/Soft Commodities, Chemicals/Petrochemicals, Infrastructure, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Transport, Waste and water

Commodity logistics boosted by increasing digitisation

Great strides are now being made in enhancing commodity logistics through the use of blockchain in commodity shipments. Jonathan Bell explores some of the recent...

08 November 2018

Tariff wars will hurt the US, but trade is on the cusp of a tech breakthrough

Live polling at the BAFT International Trade Conference in Chicago provided a revealing snapshot of sentiment across a number of current market issues in trade and...

07 November 2018
Agri/Soft Commodities, Infrastructure, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water

China at a crossroads of international openness

China is hosting the world’s first international import expo. Jonathan Bell examines the development in what could be the start of a new era of trade focus for the...

05 November 2018
Oil & gas

MIDOR: A sovereign solution

A deal of national importance that required a change of law to make it eligible for a sovereign guarantee, the MIDOR Expansion financing came in with solid ECA-backed...

31 October 2018
Infrastructure, Transport

PFI is dead – or is it?

The announcement by UK Chancellor Phillip Hammond that PFI is no more was no real surprise. But the government has left the door open to PPPs and cannot afford to put the...

26 October 2018

Post-Brexit infra investment: Taking the blindfold off

With UK politicians seemingly blindly following the result of the referendum, those at the forefront of infra finance in the country discuss the reality of Brexit and...

26 October 2018

Shop talk: ING Capital looking through new ECA windows

Following a tightly priced UKEF-backed deal in the aviation sector this month, TXF spoke with Gemma Bae, head of structured export finance at ING Capital, to discuss the...

25 October 2018

Revisiting the IFC Global Trade Liquidity Programme

Citi extended its participation in the IFC's Global Trade Liquidity Program (GTLP) this summer, almost a decade after its inception. TXF spoke with John Ahearn, global...

25 October 2018
Agri/Soft Commodities, Oil & gas

Commodity debt: How green is an ESG-linked greenback?

Gunvor and ECOM have returned to the market with debut sustainability performance-linked loans – but how sustainable are these structures and how are they policed in a...

24 October 2018

Expert opinion: Trade financing needs a strategic vision, now

A call to action to all trade finance professionals to raise their heads and champion sustainable trade, inclusion and its potential positive role in global security....

24 October 2018

Increased connectivity drives Asia’s regional and global trade growth

Global connectivity is driving the development of urban networks. But, stresses Jonathan Bell, it is cooperation and increasing economic integration which will lead to...

18 October 2018

Room2Run: Untapping multilateral capital to full effect

A ground-breaking $1 billion synthetic securitisation by the AfDB could serve as the template for unlocking trillions of dollars of investment for emerging markets...

17 October 2018

The great crude oil game enters a new chapter

High crude oil prices look set to continue despite efforts to increase production. At the same time, argues Jonathan Bell, we are seeing a greater strategic use of crude....

12 October 2018

Exporters’ Choice Awards: EDC nails it – others snail it

According to 167 capital equipment exporters surveyed by TXF and Clevis Research, EDC was top performing ECA In 2017. But much of the competition was poor, with many ECAs...

12 October 2018

Shop talk: Trade credit insurance where it's due, eventually

Potential changes to PRA regulations, IFRS accounting standards and sovereign risk exposures, mean the trade credit insurance landscape will have to evolve. Gary Lowe,...

11 October 2018
Oil & gas

North Sea M&A: Balanced for mutual benefits

Innovative sale and security structures have attracted a new breed of private equity-backed buyers into North Sea oil assets being sold off by the majors. And as the M&A...