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24 April 2017

A wake-up call: TXF Data Country Risk Review Q2 2017

In the past three months’ terror attacks in France, Britain and Russia have continued to put the world on high alert. Coupled with last year’s election of US President...

20 April 2017

Alba 6: ECA-backed deal adds another piece to the funding puzzle

Alba has secured commitments for an additional $700 million ECA-backed loan to part finance its Line 6 expansion project. The deal complements a $1.5 billion syndicated...

19 April 2017

PwC and Euler Hermes set for split

The joint handling of Germany's guarantee scheme by Euler Hermes and PwC is over. In future, investment guarantees will be managed by PwC, with Euler Hermes taking sole...

18 April 2017

Leading commodity traders: Filling the funding void and maxing the margins

A downturn in global commodity markets and a rise in regulatory pressure has led to greater de-risking by structured trade finance banks. This funding gap is being...

17 April 2017

Shop talk: Breaking PLN's 35GW threshhold

Indonesia's 35GW power procurement plan was always ambitious. But PLN is much closer to delivery in 2019 than many were predicting. Teguh Harsono, senior manager of fund...

12 April 2017

TFF2: Bigger and broader in its remit

The EIB rolled out its Trade Finance Facility 2 (TFF2) Greek SME support mechanism on Monday. TXF caught up with Guido Clary - senior banker, lending operations, South...

07 April 2017

Mafraq I and II: DFI debt and cheap tariffs

Solar developer FRV reached full financial close on DFI-backed financings last month to fund the construction of two of its four solar projects in Mafraq, Jordan. The...

06 April 2017

US Ex-Im in cuffs: Hall says it as it is

In a blunt welcome address on day one of US Ex-Im's annual conference, Charles Hall, acting US Ex-Im chairman and president, outlined the wider global context in which...

06 April 2017

Shop talk: ANZ turns up the Asian pipeline

Despite a sluggish 2016 in which Asian transaction activity was down on 2015, Paul Richards, global head of export finance at ANZ, is optimistic. The bank has already...

04 April 2017

Egypt FiT Round 2: Will it be bankable?

Developers under Egypt’s FiT Round 2 programme are racing to secure international debt for solar power tenders by the end of the April. With revisions to key issues that...

04 April 2017

TXF data update: Export finance volumes double in 2016

Export finance volumes recovered in 2016. The Middle East accounted for a third of the total ECA market, power was the most popular industry for ECA-backed deals, and...

28 March 2017

New OECD ECA regulation: Rising premium alarm

Under recent amendments to the OECD Arrangement on Export Credits, Minimum Premium Rates for cover on transactions involving high income countries were redefined. The...

28 March 2017

AbleChildAfrica: Giving the world's largest minority a chance - and so can you

Around 15% of the global population are disabled. Of those, approximately 80% live in developing countries and 150 million are children. TXF caught up with Jane Anthony,...

24 March 2017

A good fit: Building stronger Mexico-Turkey trade links

Turkey and Mexico have each seen their share of world trade soar in the past two decades. The challenge now is to continue that dynamic growth in the years ahead - growth...

22 March 2017

Hands on: Attarat tackles Jordan's feedstock problem

The $2.1 billion 554MW shale oil-fired Attarat Power project in Jordan reached financial close last week backed by Chinese banks and Sinosure cover. Is this the beginning...

16 March 2017

Price squeeze: Russian PXF margins tightening

Russian borrowers are pushing for margin tightening on a number of current pre-export refinancings. With bank appetite for Russian investment grade credits on the up, and...

15 March 2017

Oman Shipping Company seals K-sure-backed facility

Société Générale has arranged a $227 million partially K-sure-backed facility with the state-owned Oman Shipping Company. The underwritten deal is indicative of strong...

09 March 2017

Premium Green 2017-2: Less can be more

Credit Agricole has closed a $3 billion synthetic securitisation to free up cash for green project loans. And unlike vanilla green bonds, this deal could indirectly...

03 March 2017

Powering up: Tanjung Jati B 5&6 electrifies lender appetite

JBIC and commercial banks, with NEXI cover, are co-financing $3.35 billion of debt to fund a 2GW expansion of the 2.64GW Tanjung Jati B coal-fired power plant in...

28 February 2017

TXF Singapore: ASEAN has most growth potential in Asia-Pacific

The trade and commodity finance community has its say on the biggest issues in the market in our annual audience survey at TXF's Trade, Treasury and Commodity conference...