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06 September 2019
Infrastructure, Transport

On the road again: The very active retirement of Clemente del Valle

Against all the odds, over the past six years Colombian infrastructure development bank FDN has catalysed a mix of infrastructure funding sources that had never existed...

04 September 2019

Lack of trade finance continues to hit SMEs badly

Latest reports indicate that the global trade finance gap stands at $1.5 trillion. Jonathan Bell reviews the scene and questions why so much more isn’t being done to...

02 September 2019

Etihad Credit Insurance takes flight

Massimo Falcioni, CEO at Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI) talks to TXF about how the UAE’s new ECA has been made operational in record time, and how its plans for the future...

28 August 2019

Commodity report for H1 2019 shows drastic drop in volumes

Overall volumes of global commodity trade financing fell by almost 30% according to the TXF H1 2019 Commodity Report. Jonathan Bell reviews this drastic drop and assesses...

21 August 2019

Big questions surround future of mining in DRC

Glencore’s decision to temporarily mothball the world’s largest cobalt mine in the DRC raises many questions about the state of mining in the central African country....

14 August 2019

Key trends revealed in TXF’s H1 2019 export finance report

The TXF half-year 2019 export finance report shows a bullish start to the year in the power sector, Japan’s JBIC coming in as top direct lender and the US and Australia...

14 August 2019
Agri/Soft Commodities, Infrastructure, Manufacturing & equipment, Metals and Mining, Oil & gas, Power, Renewables, Telecoms and Communications, Transport, Waste and water

Grand Eweng: Controlled flow or flood?

Nachtigal set the financing template for hydro in Cameroon in late 2018. Now a very ambitious project more than four times the size of Nachtigal is underway, but is it...

13 August 2019
Infrastructure, Power, Waste and water

Al Dur 2: A Saudi nightmare on ECA street

The $1.5 billion Al Dur 2 independent water and power project (IWPP) financing achieved a record length tenor for an uncovered local bank tranche, an indirect benefit of...

07 August 2019

Risky business: Can Europe trade its way out of crisis?

In the fourth of this series of Risky Business podcasts Coriolis Technologies CEO Rebecca Harding talks to TXF’s Katharine Morton about how the internal challenges of the...

07 August 2019

US-China trade wars get uglier

In a ramp up of the US-China trade wars, the US is accusing China of being a currency manipulator in order to gain trade advantages. But, asks Jonathan Bell, is this...

31 July 2019

Pit bull or pit bear?

The problems at the Oyu Tolgoi mining project in Mongolia mean the sponsors, Rio Tinto via its ownership of Turquoise Hill Resources, will have to raise $1 billion-plus...

17 July 2019

Mind the gaps: On trillions, trade and financing women-owned and run businesses

TXF talks to Makiko Toyoda and Jessica Schnabel, the women who are spearheading the development of IFC’s latest initiative to raise access to trade finance for...

10 July 2019

Hydrocarbons sector remains a lynchpin of bank financing

Despite some of the legal challenges taking place in the US, financiers can be expected to remain committed to the huge volume of hydrocarbons financing which will take...

10 July 2019
Metals and Mining

DRC: Learning from the pitfalls of small-scale mining

Small-scale miners in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) produce one third of the country’s cobalt amid dubious environmental and ethical standards. But can...

08 July 2019

Talking tomorrow’s trade finance with SWIFT: Blurring the lines

TXF sat down with industry experts to look at how changes in corporate trade and supply chain and digitisation are blurring the lines between cash management and...

07 July 2019
Infrastructure, Other, Transport

Training for rail travel – all aboard!

In the age of ‘clean and green’ there is a growing need to develop rail transport links globally. And on the African continent some recent rail projects show that...

04 July 2019

OPEC+ responds to impact of trade wars

The decision to maintain oil production cuts, and by so doing the market price, is a clear reflection of the impact of the US-China trade wars. Jonathan Bell assesses the...

01 July 2019

Tasting multilateralism in China trade

In advance of the ICC World Banking Commission annual meeting in Beijing, TXF gathered China financial experts and corporates to talk about financing China trade....

01 July 2019

Shop talk: Flagging up Vietnamese solar finance

The growth of solar energy generation is fundamental to phasing out coal-fired projects in Vietnam. TXF spoke with lawyers at Watson Farley & Williams to discuss the...

26 June 2019

It’s only export finance rock and roll 2019 (but I liked it)

TXF’s top takeaways from the biggest gathering of the export and project finance community in the world, TXF Global 2019, are here.