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15 October 2013

Video Interview: Daniel Riordan, CEO of Zurich Global Corporate North America

Daniel Riordan, CEO of Zurich Global Corporate North America is the first Berne Union president elected from the private market for thirty years. He talks about how private insurers have become increasingly involved in the export credit space, what risk models they have had to get used to, and the new capacity they can bring.

TXF attended the annual general meeting of the Berne Union – the association of export credit insurers, in Vienna on 9th October 2013.

We conducted exclusive video interviews with outgoing Berne Union president Johan Atradius, newly elected president Daniel Riordan, and co-chairman of ‘host’ ECA OeKB – Rudolf Scholten.

Daniel Riordan

Daniel Riordan, CEO of Zurich Global Corporate North America is the first Berne Union president elected from the private market for thirty years. He talks about how private insurers have becoming increasing involved in the export credit space, what risk models they have had to get used to, and the new capacity they can bring. 

All Berne Union members can claim a 50% discount to attend ‘ECA Finance 2013’ in Paris on 12/13 November

Click here for further information



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